Lifelong learning starts here

Enrichment courses by Michigan Virtual are short, online, skill-building experiences designed to ignite your child's interests and equip them with valuable life skills. These condensed, flexible classes can fit seamlessly into your family's schedule, allowing your child to explore unique interests and deepen their understanding of the world around them.

These courses are not teacher-led (unless otherwise specified) and do not offer students school credit. Rather, they’re designed as invitations for your student to learn new skills and gain new knowledge on topics relevant to their lives while practicing the habits required for lifelong learning.

Proven excellence in online education

Who we are

Michigan Virtual is a nonprofit online education leader with over two decades of experience. We offer online student courses taught by Michigan-certified teachers as well as professional learning opportunities for educators. Outside the classroom, we research, innovate, and provide consulting partnerships to improve educational outcomes for all students.

Experts with a passion

Our exceptional team of highly qualified educators, researchers, and instructional designers is passionate about online learning and dedicated to providing you and your learners with the highest-quality enrichment courses.

Why choose us

With a rich history of more than 20 years in online education, we know what it takes to create engaging and effective learning experiences tailored to the needs of today's students.

Check out our catalog of 250+ full-length courses taught by Michigan-certified teachers!

For a deeper dive, Michigan Virtual offers full-length courses taught by Michigan-certified teachers. These courses extend beyond the enrichment experience, offering a wide range of subjects and electives that align with state standards. From core academic subjects to unique electives, students can explore their interests, learn at their own pace, and gain valuable knowledge guided by our experienced online instructors.

Our mission

Advance both learning and teaching through research, practice, and partnerships.

Our vision

Every person can use digital learning to reach their full potential.

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