Bring AI Literacy to your Classroom

From free videos and guides to in-depth online lessons, our AI literacy materials make it easy to engage and educate students at every level.
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Next-level learning with online AI lessons

Ready to go beyond the basics? Our fully online AI lessons take learning to the next level by building on the foundation of our free teacher guides and student videos. These lessons are designed to provide a richer, more comprehensive experience for students, combining engaging videos with hands-on practice, interactive simulations, and meaningful reflection activities. It’s everything you need to deepen students’ understanding of AI and bring this transformative subject to life in your classroom.

FREE Support

AI Literacy is possible in your classroom with help from our videos, slide decks, teacher guide and student handout materials!

Premier Support

In addition to our free resources, level up your AI literacy materials by including our interactive and online lessons to check for understanding

Topics Covered

Introduction to AI

AI Chatbots

Image Generators

AI Ethics and Copyright

AI and Bias

AI Data and Privacy

AI for Learning

Preparing for an AI Future

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Purchase of the online lessons provides access for one teacher to use the lessons with their
own students. By purchasing access to these lessons you agree to the following:

  • Links to the online lessons may only be shared with students who are assigned to the teacher purchasing or receiving access to the lessons. There is no limit on the number of students or sections the teacher may use the lessons with. Note that group purchasing options are available for schools interested in purchasing licenses for multiple teachers.
  • Links to the online lessons may only be shared with students in password-protected environments (e.g. Google Classroom, an LMS or other school website) or through direct emails and messaging. Links to the online lessons may not be posted publicly online, shared on social media or distributed in any other publicly available communications.
  • The online lessons are provided as-is and do not provide any student tracking or completion data.