
AI Literacy: Free Teacher Resources

Free Videos, Lesson Plans and Student Activities!

Michigan Virtual has created a collection of free teacher resources to accompany our series of 24 free videos on AI Literacy topics for students. Each video includes...
  • A Lesson Plan
  • A Slide deck 
  • A Student Activity, including Handouts
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  • AI integration activities: We've worked with school.ai to provide an easy and safe option for trying out AI with your students! Lessons marked with a   icon also include an optional AI integration activity, allowing students to interact with an AI tool.
Get Started!
Click on any content below to begin. Note: If this is your first time visiting, you will be prompted to create an account and then complete a usage report form telling us about how you plan to use these materials.
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Fully Online Lessons for Students

In addition to the teacher resources above, we are offering a series of fully online lessons for students. These lessons are designed to provide a richer, more comprehensive experience for students, combining engaging videos with hands-on practice, interactive simulations, and meaningful reflection activities. It’s everything you need to deepen students’ understanding of AI and bring this transformative subject to life in your classroom. 

Cost: $30 per teacher

Interest in purchasing the Online Lessons for use with your students? Click here to visit the course and view a sample lesson.